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Renters Insurance

Renters Insurance

For most tenants in Pennsylvania, renter’s insurance is just but an extra expense until a risk occurs and leaves them totally stranded. Fortunately, with United Integrity property & Casualty agency renters insurance, you don't have to bear the burden alone. In fact, you don't have to bear any burden at all as we will shoulder it for you. But just what is renters insurance? Find out below.

What is renter’s insurance and what do we cover?

Commonly known as tenant’s insurance, this is a type of policy that offers coverage to the tenant’s personal belongings but not the structure. In other words, when you lease or rent an apartment, our renter's insurance will have you and your personal belongings covered but not the physical building.
In respect to that, life is quite unpredictable. One minute you could be having fun in your apartment or leased out condo, and the next you are in the streets due to a fire. Fortunately, United Integrity property & Casualty agency renters insurance got your back. Our renter's insurance provides:

  • Content coverage. We ensure your property against fire, burglary, vandalism or any other event that might result in your belongings being damaged or lost thus helping you get back to your feet as soon as possible.
  • Renter’s liability coverage. If you cause damage to the property of others or cause an injury, for instance, if you unintentionally leave something lying around outside your apartment and someone trips over it and gets a fractured wrist, we offer you protection through this policy. Generally, this policy offers you coverage against lawsuits and medical payments.

Don’t wait until it happens! Get our renters insurance today and protect yourself from life’s unpredictable moments. Call or email us today to get a quote or, you could even stop by for more details and say hello to a stress-free life!